TECHNIA Simulation provide top tier FEA, Non-linear, and Advanced Simulation Consultancy.
Our dedicated team of Simulation experts support your innovation with a wealth of specialist experience.
During the consultancy, shared knowledge of your business will provide essential detail for the decision making process.
We value customer-centric dialogue which focuses on the reasons, routes and results of the solutions we provide.
Our specialists are available to provide an upscale of resources and ensure that our joint venture turns your vision into value.
TECHNIA Simulation operate a ISO 9001 quality system ensuring that rigorous checking procedures are a core activity of our consulting services.
Challenge us with your structural product or process goals, including Composite Failure Analysis, Frequency, Linear Dynamics and Vibrations, Drop Test, Impact and Crash, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI), Soil Structure Interaction, Multiphysics, Fatigue and Durability Analysis, and Hyper Elastics and Rubber Material Behaviour.
TECHNIA Simulation Centre of Excellence (SCoE) has many years of experience in applying Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques to challenging engineering problems. Previous projects include the modelling of rotating impellors and turbines, external and internal aerodynamics including UAV’s and Drones, and numerous thermal management simulations.
A suitable material representation is crucial to achieving useful simulation results. TECHNIA Simulation Centre of Excellence (SCoE) can help in situations ranging from choosing the most appropriate material model for a basic scenario to choosing the best numerical representation for a set of test data in situations where no pre-existing Abaqus material model is suitable.
Huge advantages can be achieved when automating the model build process. Scripting and templating already developed analysis workflows yield huge dividends in productivity, and TECHNIA Simulation Centre of Excellence (SCoE) has a lot of experience developing workflows in challenging situations, making these an intrinsic part of customer processes.