Including cartesian coordinate system, command line input, traditional toolbars and menus, wheel-mouse pan and zoom, and more.
Including read and write support for DWG/DXF files, save DWG/DXF files back to previous versions, create binary or ASCII DXF files, and more.
Including consolidated options dialog, enhanced command prompts, home palette, smart calculator, quick print, and more.
Including fast “one-click” installation, support for Windows®, Mac & Linux operating systems, multi-language character set support, and more.
Including Notes & SimpleNotes, Tables Blocks and BlockAttributes, Ellipses & elliptical arcs, RichLines, PolyLines, 3D PolyLines, and more.
Including Snap & Grid, Chamfer & Fillet, Tracking guides & Polar guides, distance or coordinates information, double-click editing, and more.
Including customizable coordinate system, RichLine styles, layer manager, table styles, points format, text styles, and more.
Including edit blocks in-place or isolate for edit, open reference drawings from within the base drawing, clip references and images, and more.